Start accepting XEC or BCH on your website with only a few lines of code
Track transactions and revenue through the PayButton dashboard. Create wallets and manage your buttons to organize payments across all of your websites.
Build your custom PayButton and begin accepting payments on your website today!
Where the money will be sent to
How much money to request
The text displayed on the button
The button hover animation
Specifies a funding goal amount, indicated with a progress bar
The text displayed on the button on hover
The primary, secondary, and tertiary are color options that allow for custom themeing
The text displayed upon successful payment
Creates an always-visible PayButton Widget
Callback function that runs upon successful payment
Disable transaction sounds and popups
When false, disableEnforceFocus, can help with accessibility technology such as screen readers but may throw errors on sites running Material UI
Callback function that runs upon any payment
Disable the button or widget
Allow changing the payment amount
Custom message that will be sent with the transaction
Removes the random ID generated for the payment that is used to prevent the onSuccess callback to be triggered by a person who has the payment screen open at the same time as another